Angeluz Online

Players Online: 0/200 Status: online
Uptime: 21:50
Sanctuary of the King
Sanctuary of the Inmortal
Sanctuary of the Conqueror


Dominion War

Today's Reward

  • Dominion Newbie Tier (Midday)(Lv 30~59) Cherubs, Demon Lords, Thelis
    crystal coins 22
    distance skill scroll tier I 1
    gaia blessing 5
    Citizen addon 1
    healing skill scroll tier I 1
    sword skill scroll tier I 1
    lost fragment of knowledge 8
    club skill scroll tier I 1
    claw skill scroll tier I 1

  • Dominion Mix Tier (Midday)(Lv 100+) Seraph, Archangels, Demon Overlords, Alastors, Thelikos, Therions
    shielding skill scroll tier II 1
    +30% 50min expBoost 1
    gaia blessing 8
    gold medal 13
    war tokens 200
    distance skill scroll tier II 2
    random doll 1
    crystal coins 35
    pieces of draconiuan steel 17
    sword skill scroll tier II 1
    club skill scroll tier I 1
    club skill scroll tier II 2
    +30% 40min expBoost 1
    magic skill scroll tier I 1

  • Dominion Low Tier (Night)(Lv 30~99) Cherubs, Seraph, Demon Lords, Demon Overlords, Thelis, Thelikos
    blood coins 5
    steamiron claw 1
    club skill scroll tier II 1
    distance skill scroll tier II 1
    sword skill scroll tier I 1
    magic skill scroll tier II 1
    war tokens 50
    distance skill scroll tier I 2
    healing skill scroll tier I 1
    crystal coins 32
    gaia blessing 2
    magic skill scroll tier I 1
    lost fragment of knowledge 21
    pieces of draconiuan steel 5
    3-days premium scroll 1

  • Dominion Mid Tier (Night)(Lv 100~179) Archangels, Alastors, Therions
    3-days premium scroll 1
    crystal coins 64
    gaia blessing 4
    war tokens 200
    magic skill scroll tier II 1
    random doll 2
    +30% 40min expBoost 1
    royal medal 1
    pieces of draconiuan steel 14
    axe skill scroll tier I 1
    fragment of cosmic knowledge 18
    pieces of hell steel 10

  • Dominion High Tier (Night)(Lv 180+) Archangels, Alastors, Therions
    +75% 40min expBoost 2
    magic skill scroll tier III 1
    +50% 60min expBoost 1
    healing skill scroll tier II 2
    3-days premium scroll 1
    distance skill scroll tier II 1
    war tokens 600
    pieces of draconiuan steel 19
    gaia blessing 5
    crystal coins 54
    claw skill scroll tier II 1
    royal medal 1
    magic skill scroll tier II 4

  • Dominion Mix Tier (Night)(Lv 100+) Seraph, Archangels, Demon Overlords, Alastors, Thelikos, Therions
    axe skill scroll tier II 2
    gaia blessing 4
    gold medal 14
    crystal coins 47
    warlord sword 1
    +30% 50min expBoost 1
    random doll 2
    club skill scroll tier II 2
    shielding skill scroll tier II 1
    axe skill scroll tier I 1
    distance skill scroll tier II 1
    pieces of royal steel 5
    fragment of cosmic knowledge 18
    royal medal 1


Dominion Newbie Tier (Midday) 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00
Dominion Mix Tier (Midday) 14:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 14:00
Dominion Low Tier (Night) 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00
Dominion Mid Tier (Night) 21:45 21:45 21:45 21:45
Dominion High Tier (Night) 22:30 22:30 22:30 22:30
Dominion Mix Tier (Night) 23:15 23:15 23:15 23:15


Five Minutes before an event starts a message is broadcasted to all players online:
Dominion Tier I Event is going to start in 5 minutes. Use the teleport in your main city to travel to Event lobby.

Use the teleport tagged To Event! in your realm's main city to reach Event Lobby.

In Event Lobby you will find:

  • 5 Waiting rooms
  • 6 Depots of your Realm
  • A Register Npc
  • A Everything Shop Npc
  • A Reward Room
  • A Teleport back to main city

Five minutes before the scheduled time of every event the five waiting rooms are accesible for all players who wants to participate in the Dominion War event as long as they fulfill the requirements to enter this event and the room is not reserved by a group party. Each waiting room represent a candidate team.

When the countdown finally is over a random team from the 5 waiting room is picked to participate on the event. Reserved Rooms has always priority for the selection.

You can reserve a waiting room by talking to the Register Npc. The closest the time for the event price for reservation will be cheaper. Once you have reserved a waiting room only party members of your party will be permitted to enter the reserved room.

(Heaven's Event Lobby)

(Heaven's #3 Waiting Room)

(PvP battle with other races)


  • Dominion War last 30 minutes. The team with the highest score wins!
  • At the beging of the event each team will hold 2 terrains of 6 in total. Each terrain is guarded by a Realm statue. You can capture terrain by killing enemy Realm statues.
  • The more terrains your team had captured stronger and more minions will spawn within captured terrain area.

    # caputed terrains # minion spawn
    1 1 Minion Guardian
    2 2 Minion Guardians
    3 3 Minion Guardians
    4 1 Elite Guardian, 2 Minion Guardians
    5 2 Elite Guardians, 1 Minion Guardian
    6 3 Elite Guardians

  • When a player dies they will have a 15 seconds death timer. They cannot return to the arena after this timer ends.
  • When a terrain is captured a warp portal to that terrain is created beneath the temple spawn. When enemies are near portal will shine pink and will label Under Attack! on it.

  • At 10 minutes and 20 minutes after Game starts a Red or Blue buff will spawn at the center of the stage. The player's team who grabbed will be blessed.

    Buff Effects
    Red for 5 minutes:
    • +20% max hitpoints
    • +5 claw, club, sword, axe and distance fighting
    Blue for 5 minutes:
    • +20% max manapoints
    • +5 magic level, shielding and healing

  • 25 minutes after Game starts (5 minutes before it ends) all Crystal Cores spawns. Teams without terrains will have their Crystal Core exposed. You can destroy a Crystal Core by clicking it. Destroy a team's Crystal Core will reduced their score by half.


Team Score:
  • Kill enemy player. k = +1 pt
  • Kill ally player (skull). s = -1 pt
  • Capture an enemy statue. c = +5 pts
  • Recapture a statue. r = +3 pts
Personal Score:
  • Kill enemy player. k = +3 pts
  • Die. d = -2 pts
  • Assist in killing an enemy player. a = +1 pts
  • Kill ally player (skull). s = -2 pts
  • Capture an enemy statue. c = +5 pt
  • Recapture a statue. r = +3 pt
  • Destroy a crystal core cc = +5 pt